Jayden Industries Pty Ltd 

ABN 20 165 088 844
Corporate Credit Representative 548 561

Privacy Policy

This Policy applies to Jayden Industries Pty Ltd and all our Credit Representatives/Authorised Representatives (Representatives) and their staff. We value your privacy and are committed to safeguarding your personal information. We adhere to the National Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988. Our staff and Representatives are trained to respect your privacy in accordance with our established standards, policies, and procedures.

About this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy outlines our approach to managing your personal information, detailing the types of personal information collected and the purposes for which it is collected, used, and disclosed. Our Privacy Policy applies to all interactions with us, our website, and our Credit Representatives. We encourage you to visit our website regularly for any updates to our Privacy Policy. 

Collecting Your Personal Information

Credit Services

As a credit service provider, we are subject to regulatory requirements under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 and the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006. To provide our services, we need personal information from you, including (but not limited to):

  • Your name, contact details, date of birth
  • Duration of your current address
  • Information about dependents and cohabitants
  • Occupation and employment history
  • Bank account details
  • Assets and existing financial commitments
  • Proof of earnings, expenses, and identity

If you do not provide your information to us, it may not be possible to provide you with credit assistance.

If you engage in transactions with us, we will collect payment information. We will also gather payment information if we need to make payments to you.

If you apply for employment with us or to become a Purple Circle Credit Representative, we will collect information about your work history and referees’ input for assessment.

How Your Personal Information Is Collected

We primarily collect personal information directly from you during interactions such as consultations. We may also verify this information from the sources mentioned in responses to inquiries or as stated in this Privacy Policy.

Sometimes we might collect information from third parties as permitted by the Privacy Act 1988. This occurs only when reasonably necessary, for example, in situations where:

  • We gather details about a loan or lease you seek through third parties
  • We exchange information with your legal, accounting, or other representatives

You have the right to deny us authorisation to collect such third-party information. If you share someone else’s personal information (such as a co-applicant) with us, we require you to inform them and direct them to our website for a copy of this Privacy Policy.

Credit Information

You can appoint us as your agent to obtain your credit information from a credit reporting body (including both consumer and commercial). You can also authorize us to use this information to provide credit assistance.

Sensitive Information

We collect sensitive information with your consent. Sensitive information is personal information related to race, ethnicity, political views, trade or professional associations, sexual preferences, criminal record, or health. We only collect sensitive information that’s reasonably necessary for our advisory and engagement purposes.

Unsolicited Personal Information

We generally do not collect unsolicited personal information. If we receive such information, we’ll assess its permissibility as if it had been solicited. If collection would not have been allowed, we’ll destroy or de-identify the information as soon as possible, within legal bounds.

Dealing with Us Anonymously

You may engage with us anonymously if it’s lawful and practical, such as making general inquiries such as interest rates or lender promotions.

Using Your Personal Information

Credit Services

We collect your personal information to provide credit services:

  • Supplying information about loan/lease products or related services
  • Determining eligibility for loans, leases, or requested services
  • Recommending suitable credit contracts or lease options
  • Assisting you to apply for a credit contract or an increase in your credit limit
  • Recommending consumer lease options
  • Assisting in consumer lease applications
  • Verifying your identity

We might also tell you about other service providers’ products, via direct marketing. If you prefer not to receive such information, please contact us.

When applying to be a Representative or seeking employment, we gather information to support our decision-making process. Payment information is collected for processing purposes.

Disclosing Your Personal Information

Credit Services

To provide credit services and manage our business, we may share your personal information with third parties, including:

  • Our Representatives and their staff
  • Mortgage aggregators through whom we submit applications
  • Lenders, lessors, insurers, intermediaries
  • Representatives working for you (e.g., settlement agents, lawyers)
  • Your referees (e.g., employer) to verify details
  • Referrers who referred your business to us
  • Guarantors and prospective guarantors of your loan or lease
  • To companies that provide information and infrastructure systems to us
  • Associated entities for product marketing
  • Government authorities as required or authorised by law
  • To anyone, where you have provided us consent

We may also disclose your personal information to overseas entities that support our operations. Details about these entities can be obtained by contacting us.

When disclosing your personal information, we’ll ensure compliance with National Privacy Principles.

Maintaining Accuracy of Personal Information

We strive to keep your personal information accurate, complete, and up-to-date. Please contact us if you believe your information requires correction. If we refuse, we’ll provide reasons within 30 days.

Protecting Your Personal Information

We store information in various formats, including paper and electronic. Security measures are in place to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure, such as:

  • Employee, contractor, and service provider confidentiality agreements
  • Representative standards for document storage and access
  • Physical security measures for premises and systems
  • Disposing of unneeded records

Cloud storage may be used, and IT servers might be located outside Australia.

Your Privacy Online

Our Website

Your personal information shared on our website is protected. Electronic security measures, including firewalls, are in place. Access control using user identifiers and passwords may also be used.

Links to Other Sites

External websites accessed via links provided are not governed by our privacy standards. Refer to those websites for their privacy policies.


We may use cookies on our website to enhance user experience. Cookies allow us to analyze visitor interests and improve our offerings. Your web browser can be configured to refuse or delete cookies.

Accessing Your Personal Information

You can access your personal information, subject to legal exceptions. While there might be refusals in cases like legal proceedings, we’ll provide explanations and options for complaints.

Requests for access should be in writing for security reasons. We’ll provide access within 30 days if reasonable. Complexity might extend this period, and charges may apply.

Notifying Data Breaches

If a data breach occurs, and serious harm is likely, we’ll take steps to mitigate risks and notify affected individuals promptly. Notifications will be made via various communication channels.

Resolving Privacy Concerns

For privacy-related concerns, contact our Privacy Officer. They will investigate and provide resolutions. If unsatisfied, you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner or the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.

Contacting Us

Privacy Officer – Jayden Industries Pty Ltd
Phone: 0427685342
Email: cyndi@mortgagepilot.com.au

For concerns about this privacy policy, please contact us.


We may amend this Privacy Policy as needed due to legal changes, operational practices, or regulations. You can request the current version from us.