
Whether you are buying your first home, next home, investment or seeking business finance Mortgage Pilot can help guide you.

Home Loans

Available to all income types including the self-employed.


Open the door to your first property purchase with confidence and make sure you access any available grants. We walk you through ideas and tips on how to put yourself in a realistic position and when ready we help you secure the finance for your first home.

We assist you through the process by working with the lenders but also with the real estate agent and legal teams, being sure to keep it simple and explain everything to you.


The next home purchase comes about when life changes or you choose to enter the investment market. Change may come about because of a growing family, down-sizing as your family leaves home, a life event requires different living arrangements or maybe it’s just a desire for a different style of home.

Regardless of the reason it is a great opportunity to re-evaluate your loan and your needs.

A bridging loan may offer you convenience when transitioning from one property to another.

If it’s an investment home you are funding then knowing available equity will assist as will seeking professional advice to understand your options.


This can be provided through your existing lender or a new one. You may be seeking a lower repayment, specific loan features or wanting to access equity.

We can assist you in re-evaluating your position and available products to achieve your goal.

Personal Loans

Available to all income types including the self-employed.


We all need to get from A to B and for many that involves a vehicle purchase. Whether funds are needed for a new or used car we can help. We have direct access to lenders and also asset finance specialists and will connect you with products to meet your needs.

We all hunt around for the best priced car, let us do likewise for the loan to purchase it.


Your imagination can go wild with scenarios to put personal loan funds to good use. They may be making dreams a reality such as providing funds for weddings, holidays, renovations, solar or even

These loans can be secured by an asset or unsecured which means the borrower does not need to put forward a security.

The rates and risks vary so it is important to chat to us and understand each option.


Sometimes life has been complicated and you may be struggling to meet your repayments on
liabilities such as credit cards or personal loans. Maybe you are refinancing and wanting to combine
debts with a new loan.

Debt consolidation may offer you a more manageable solution, we are happy to discuss your

Business Loans

Available to all entity types.


Business needs are forever changing – maybe you need extra resources for expansion or to replace
tired equipment.

Whatever your needs we can assist you in finding a loan solution.

With this loan the lender takes the asset, often a vehicle as security for the loan.


A line of credit offers businesses a loan where a set limit can be accessed as required. It is like a
credit card where interest is charged on the outstanding balance for the time the credit is being


These loans do not have security against them. Loans tend to be short-term for assisting in business